понедельник, 5 августа 2013 г.

ORA-16714 in Data Guard environment

There are inconsistent properties in Data Guard configuration

Error messages:

  • ORA-16792: configurable property value is inconsistent with database setting
  • ORA-16714: the value of property DbFileNameConvert is inconsistent with the database setting
  • ORA-16714: the value of property LogFileNameConvert is inconsistent with the database setting



edit database cebs_stby set property DbFileNameConvert='/u02,+CEBS_DATA1'; edit database cebs_stby set property LogFileNameConvert='/u01,+CEBS_FRA';


alter system set Db_File_Name_Convert = '/u02' , '+CEBS_DATA1' scope=spfile; alter system set Log_File_Name_Convert = '/u01' , '+CEBS_FRA' scope=spfile;
Finally reboot database and warning should disappear.

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